Board of Directors
All of our Board Members are enrolled tribal members, and each of them, along with the Executive Director, were involved in the successful years’ long campaigns to defeat the onslaught of proposed coal ports in Washington State.
This Indigenous-led team has a long and storied history of organizing and providing leadership for direct action campaigns and broad-based coalitions to vigorously defend Indigenous lifeways. This passion for being in right relations with Nature and, through Her, with each other is reflected in our past, present, and proposed programs.
Jay Julius W'tot Lhem (Lummi) President
A fisherman, Former Chairman and Councilman at Lummi Nation, Jay was a leader in the fight to protect Xwe'chi'eXen (Cherry Point). He has organized and executed Tribal, local, regional, and national campaigns. A bridge-builder, he uses empathy and storytelling to bring people together. Principal at Julius Consulting LLC.
JoDe Goudy (Yakama) Vice-President
JoDe is the former Chairman of the Yakama Nation, JoDe is now with, an educational resource center providing virtual platforms for events, conferences, workshops, and courses. He brings expertise on the Doctrine of Discovery, among other things, to the table.
Dana Wilson (Lummi) Secretary-Treasurer
Dana, Secretary/Treasurer of Se'Si'Le, is a member of the Lummi Nation and a lifelong fisher who is active in the Nation's efforts to restore the salmon and protect and pass on the natural and cultural heritage of the Salish Sea.
Temryss Lane (Lummi) Board Member
With a Master's Degree in American Indian/Native American Studies from UCLA, Temryss also brings experience in communications, broadcasting, sports management, business development, and youth advocacy . Indian Country Director, Pyramid Communications. Board member Chief Seattle Club.
A. Cyaltsa Finkbonner (Lummi) Board Member
A member of the Lummi Nation, Cyaltsa is a fisher, artist, and professional welder dedicated to preserving the lifeway of her people and the health of the Salish Sea.
Sequoyah Julius W'tot'Lhem (Lummi) Co-Executive Director
Currently a fisherman, golfer and basketball player at Skagit Valley College, Sequoyah has a deep connection to his family, culture and history. As a youth, he represents our future. He is committed to carrying on the work of his family and Lummi ancestors.

Kurt Russo, Ph.D. Co-Executive Director
Kurt has worked since 1978 with Native Nations on treaty rights, protective management of sacred sites, and conflict resolution. He is the former Executive Director of the Florence R. Kluckhohn Center for the Study of Values and the Native American Land Conservancy.